Highly controversial range of interrogation methods applied at BLACK SITES. Detainees are put in stress positions (A squatting or leaning position, often against a wall, that becomes excruciating after a few minutes), forced into small boxes, subjected to mock burials, kept hooded, subjected to extremely loud noise or rock music, sleep deprivation, denial of clothing, repeated slaps, sensory deprivation, use of extreme temperatures and waterboarding. Waterboarding is a notorious method that has received much media coverage. There are variations, but essentially the subject is retsrained and a cloth or hood placed over their face which has water poured over it, giving the sensation of drowning. CIA prisoners were fed a liquid diet of Ensure and water before waterboarding to limit the risk of death from vomiting. Another technique is known as 'walling'. A makeshift collar is used to ram the subject into a wall.
A United States Senate Select Committee stated that the CIA's use of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques was 'not an effective means of acquiring intelligence or gaining cooperation from detainees.' Put simply, frightened people and people in pain will tell their interrogator almost anything they think they wish to hear.
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